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Di Maio vows to get straight down to boosting employment

01 giugno 2018 | 15.19
LETTURA: 1 minuti

Labour and industry minister and deputy premier Luigi Di Maio, who heads the grassroots Five-Star Movement, on Friday pledged to forge ahead immediately with creating work in under-employed Italy.

"This is a great day, we will get straight down to boosting employment for those who don't have jobs, for business people and for professionals," Di Maio told Repubblica TV.

Di Maio declined to set a date for the introduction of the Five-Star Movement's much-vaunted universal citizen's income of 800 euros per month for job seekers and pensioners - a central plank of its joint government programme with the far-right League party.

"I am not saying anything about that yet," Di Maio said ahead of the swearing in of Italy's first populist government on Friday.

Italy's overall jobless rate in April was stable at 11.2 percent while 31.1 percent of people aged 15 to 24 were unemployed, according to central statistics agency Istat.

Personal connections such as friends and family still account for almost half of job placements across Italy, according to Istat data released in May.

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